February is the shortest month of the year, most years having only 28 days; it could also be considered the strangest month of the year because every fourth year (Leap Year ) it has 29 days. Frequently, especially in this area, it is the coldest and snowiest month. February, in spite of its shortness has many Holidays or days of special observance:
February 2……………..Ground Hog Day
February 6 ………….Ronald Reagan’s Birthday
February 10…………..My Birthday
February 12…………Abraham Lincoln’s Birthday
February 14………Valentine’s Day
February 22………George Washington’s Birthday

Christians begin the observance of the 40 days of Lent on Ash Wednesday, which sometimes is in February.

February is also called Heart month and the emphasis is on Heart Health – important to all of us. Red is the unofficial color for February – red – the color of blood which sustains our hearts and our lives.

By some, February is considered the “Love” month, symbolized by the exchanging of sentimental greetings, candy, and flowers on Valentine’s Day. Red roses are considered the symbol of love. And that cute little guy, Cupid, is believed to go around shooting his arrows of love into the hearts of young adults; thus many wedding engagements occur in February.

February’s flower is the Violet, the lovely little purple wild flower that hugs the ground and blooms very early in the year, and the birthstone for February is Amethyst, a beautiful clear purple stone mined mostly in the mountains of South America. In ancient times, purple was considered the color of wealth and royalty.

Some February Challenges:
Love the Lord God with all your heart, with all your soul and with all your being;
Love your Neighbor as yourself;
Count your Blessings and share them with those less fortunate;
Live a heart-healthy lifestyle – exercise and eat wisely;
Donate blood if you are able;
Donate to the Heart Association for research;
Respect and Honor our forefathers and our current leaders;
Appreciate and love the beauty of our World.



  1. Jane said,

    February 1, 2014 at 12:20 am

    I really enjoyed reading this “View from the Hill!” Keep up the good work!! It really makes us think and remember a lot.

  2. February 1, 2014 at 4:30 pm

    […] Ah . . . FEBRUARY (bzenan.wordpress.com) […]

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